Illustration of a business man in a suit sitting with his legs crossed on a stack of over size books

Inspiring Success in Action.

From overcoming sales plateaus to exceeding revenue targets, our success stories illustrate the tangible impact of our fractional sales leadership. Get inspired by the achievements of others and envision your path to success.


web page from crafted's website that shows charts and graphs

Crafted. | Doozy Solutions

Explore how fractional leadership helped create a scalable sales organization, ignited performance, and laid the foundation for new full-time leadership at an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software company.


NoredInk webpage

No Red Ink

Explore how the stabilization of the sales organization allowed for a comprehensive Go-To-Market (GTM) reorganization, enabled by fractional leadership, following an executive leadership change at a $30 million EdTech company.

Full Time Roles

Homepage of GutCheck website
GutCheck logo

Recruited pre-Series C to build GutCheck's sales organization. Achieved 600% growth in bookings from FY '13 to FY '16. Strategic initiatives included creating processes, methodologies, building the tech stack, and assembling a high-performing team. This comprehensive approach solidified GutCheck's disruptive technology solutions in the marketplace, with the success attracting industry leaders and ultimately leading to its acquisition by Toluna, a global consumer insights leader.

TeamSnap homepage
TeamSnap Logo

Recruited pre-Series C to build a robust sales foundation and scale the team, both proving instrumental in TeamSnap’s journey. These strategic efforts led to a 500% revenue increase from FY '17 to FY '19, cementing TeamSnap's market position as the industry leader and ultimately helping pave the way to Waud Capital's acquisition.

Talent Reef homepage
TalentReef Logo

Recruited pre-Series B funding, Automox's strategic focus on a high-performing sales team, process optimization, tech stack enhancement, and organizational redesign yielded tangible results. Customer accounts and revenues surged by 125% in FY '19 and an additional 120% in FY '20, sealing Automox's market position. This success played a pivotal role in securing a substantial $110 million Series C funding round, affirming investor confidence and solidifying its industry leadership to this day.

Automox home page
Automox Logo

Recruited to propel growth at TalentReef, a $30 million ARR company. Strategic initiatives led to 50% year-over-year new logo ARR growth and expanded the company’s client footprint from 90,000 to 110,000 locations. The sales organization achieved its best annual and Q4 performance in three years, contributing to TalentReef's acquisition by Mitratech.

  • Image of Matt Warta former Founder and CEO of GutCheck

    “Dylan is a transformative leader, skilled at creating high-performance cultures. Through strategic vision and inclusive leadership, Dylan inspires teams to excel and have fun doing so.”

    Matt Warta
    Managing Director, Software Growth Equity | Bow River Capital (Former Founder and CEO of GutCheck)

  • Image of Mela Drakatos from NoRedInk

    "In a challenging phase of sales instability, Scaled Sales Solutions, under Dylan's leadership, skillfully brought stability to our sales organization. Dylan quickly established trust with key members of our sales team, allowing us to allocate the necessary time and focus to successfully reshape our overall go-to-market strategy."

    Mela Drakatos
    SVP of People | NoRedInk

  • Image of Bree Neely from CraftedERP by Doozy Solutions

    “One of the more notable things Dylan has helped us accomplish is a sales playbook to drive consistency in our sales process. He has also been really supportive of marketing and has helped knit sales and marketing together”

    Bree Neely
    VP of Marketing | CraftedERP by Doozy Solutions

  • Image of Jeff Scheur from NoRedInk

    "Dylan joined NoRedInk as a fractional sales leader and played an important role in steadying the ship while we were building up our GTM leadership team. One of Dylan's superpowers is building relationships and connecting with various stakeholders on an authentic level. I've really appreciated his help and support this year."

    Jeff Scheur
    Founder and CEO | NoRedInk

  • Image of Kristin Steele from CraftedERB by Doozy Solutions

    "Working with Dylan has been a great joy. He brings a great deal of experience, but also the levity that allows for keeping things fun. As a result, we have also closed our best quarters to date as a company."

    Kristin Steele
    Founder and Co-CEO | CraftedERP by Doozy Solutions

  • Image of Eleanor Brown from Diversiboard

    “Dylan and Scaled Sales Solutions, introduced via the TechStars network, have proven to be a valuable ally in my efforts to launch Diversiboard and promote diversity in the tech industry. Leveraging Dylan's experience with other startups, he has served as a valuable sounding board and advisor throughout the different stages of refining the Diversiboard platform.”

    Eleanor Brown
    Co-Founder and CEO | Diversiboard